
How To Repair Vintage Fm Stereo Receiver

Often times we record multiple audio – in-built photographic camera microphone, external microphones like booms, lavaliers, etc, for our scenes or events.

And when information technology comes to post, you realize that your stereo track has "left" channel sounding good, whereas the right one sounds either deadened or has a lot of groundwork noise. And you'd want the left channel audio to be in the right channel every bit well.


Y'all might demand sure recorded channels like – mono, stereo or 5.i – to be divide into dedicated tracks, to individually work on them for a more granular control.


You might want to solve the effect of ane sided hearing of your audio.

Today nosotros'll see how to carve up your audio channels and tracks in DaVinci Resolve.

Let's dive correct in.

Earlier nosotros start, you should know a flake most the different audio formats and channels with respect to how DaVinci Resolve handles them.

Various Audio formats and Channels:

Format Channels
Mono i Channel
Stereo 2 Channels – Left and Right
v.ane half-dozen Channels – Left, Correct, Center, LFE, Left Environs, Right Surround
7.1 8 Channels – Left, Right, Centre, LFE, Left Surround, Right Surroundings, Left Surround Rear, Right Surround Rear
Adaptive Tracks Up to 24 Channels

A Very important affair is – you must utilise the right track format in the timeline to match the audio format.

For example…

If y'all accept a stereo audio clip in the media pool, and if your audio runway in timeline is set to mono, and so when you elevate and driblet the audio clip onto the track, evidently you'll accept only ane channel, to match the track format. You'll lose the other channel.

Similarly, when you have a mono audio clip and elevate and drop it over a stereo sound rails, you'll have two channels displayed with 1 of them existence empty!

Brand sure to match the track format to the prune audio format. (More on that later).

But before even dragging and dropping your sound clips to the timeline, you must decide the audio format of your clips.

Start set right the clip format and then determine the rail format.

Information technology all starts with the clips in the media pool.

How to Check Sound Format and Channels in DaVinci Resolve?

  • Import your audio and video clips into the media puddle.
  • Correct clip on the desired prune -> select "Prune Attributes…".
  • Click on "Audio" tab.
  • Check the "Format" and "Source Channel".
  • The "Format" will reveal "Mono", or "Stereo", or "five.i".
  • The "Source Channel" volition reveal the number of channels based on the format.

If you lot click on the "Embedded Channel 1" dropdown underneath "Source Channel", information technology will expose the number embedded channels this clip might have.

Let me explain…

If you had 2 different microphones recording sound (which is formatted equally Stereo), and then the dropdown will display those many number of embedded channels to cull from. You lot'll have to select each channel and listen to them to circular in on the all-time sounding ane.

Sometimes, a mono audio recording might exist wrongly mapped as stereo, which will result in one of the channels being empty.

How to Convert Stereo Sound into Mono Aqueduct in DaVinci Resolve?

  • Go to "Fairlight" page (can do in "Edit" folio every bit well).
  • Click on "Media Puddle".
  • Right click on your stereo audio.
  • Select "Clip Attributes…".
  • Click on "Audio" tab.
  • Under "Format" select "Mono" instead of "Stereo".
  • Under "Source Channel", select the channel which has your desired audio, in this example, "Embedded Source Channel 1".
  • Click on "Ok".

At present the stereo audio is converted to a mono aqueduct sound prune. At present you can drag and drib this clip into the timeline. (Keep in mind that the track which receives this clip should be configured to "Mono" as well).

How to Fill Right Channel Audio with Left in DaVinci Resolve?

Permit's say, yous record a stereo sound (dialogue of your actor) in two microphones (the second microphone is generally for a backup).

When you lot play the clip in Resolve, you'll observe that one of them (Left Channel, for example) might be amend compared to the other.

Now you want the left aqueduct audio to exist filled in the right channel audio for a better audio.


Let'southward say, your microphone recorded a dialogue in a stereo format with simply one channel (with the other channel somehow empty). Now when you lot play this back in Resolve, you hear audio on simply ane side. But you want to hear audio from both the sides.

For the above cases…

Permit's meet how to fill up the 2d channel with the audio of the first.

  • Go to "Fairlight" page (you can do the same in "Edit" page likewise).
  • Click on "Media Puddle".
  • Right click on your stereo sound.
  • Select "Prune Attributes…".
  • Click on "Audio" tab.
  • Under "Source Aqueduct", become to the second dropdown and select "Embedded Source Channel 1" (which is the same as the first dropdown).

This volition ensure the right channel sound is filled with the left channel audio and vice versa.

When you place this clip on the timeline, a unmarried sound track with two channels volition be created. If you are placing it on an already created track, and so you volition have to make certain the sound rail is set to "Stereo".

How to Divide Stereo Audio into Dual Mono Tracks in DaVinci Resolve?

If you lot want to have split audio tracks for each channel for a stereo prune (instead of a unmarried track), yous can practice and then by converting it to dual mono channels. This is how y'all divide a stereo into dual mono:

  • Go to "Fairlight" folio (y'all tin exercise the same in "Edit" folio also).
  • Click on "Media Pool".
  • Correct click on your stereo audio.
  • Select "Clip Attributes…".
  • Click on "Sound" tab.
  • Select "Mono" from the "Format".
  • Set "two" for "Tracks".
  • Click on "Add together".
  • For the first "Mono" track, select "Embedded Aqueduct ane" or the ane which has the desired sound.
  • For the second "Mono" rail, select "Embedded Channel ii" or the one which has the desired audio.
  • Delete the "Stereo" track.
  • Click on "Ok".

Now yous'll take dual mono tracks with different audio in aqueduct 1 and two.

When you lot drop this clip on to the timeline, 2 audio tracks volition be created for each track. You can manipulate them separately.

You lot tin can follow the aforementioned procedure for multiple clips in your media pool, which crave the same operation.

How to Batch Split up Audio Channels in DaVinci Resolve?

  • Become to "Fairlight" page (or "Edit" folio besides).
  • Click on "Media Pool".
  • Select all of your required clips.
  • Right click on any sound clip.
  • Select "Clip Attributes…".
  • Click on "Audio" tab.
  • Add 2 mono tracks with your desired sound under "Source Aqueduct". Click on "Ok".
  • All the selected clips will be batch converted to dual mono clips.

How to Split Mono Sound into Stereo in DaVinci Resolve?

If for some reason, y'all recorded a dialogue as a mono track. But later you lot experience that yous need to do a lot of post product works which might demand you to have a stereo clip with 2 audio channels.

And then this is how you carve up a mono audio into a stereo in Resolve:

  • From your "Media Pool", right click on your audio clip.
  • Select "Clip Attributes…" & click on "Sound" tab.
  • Select "Stereo" from the "Format".
  • Nether "Source Channel" for second channel, select "Embedded Audio Channel 1" or the but sound channel available (which is same as the first one).
  • Click on "Ok".

Now when y'all place this clip on the timeline, make sure the receiving track is configured to "Stereo".

How to Split v.ane or 7.i Audio into Individual Tracks in DaVinci Resolve?

5.i has six audio channels and vii.1 has 8 audio channels.

When you lot drag and drop a 5.1 sound clip on an audio track, information technology will have 6 channels inside the same track. It becomes difficult to work with unlike channels in the aforementioned track.

Here, you'd like to accept dissever tracks for each aqueduct to change levels individually. Which ways yous need to split the into 6 mono channels.

So, let'southward see how to separate a or seven.ane audio into individual tracks:

  • Go to "Fairlight" page.
  • Click on "Media Pool".
  • Right click on your stereo audio.
  • Select "Clip Attributes…".
  • Click on "Audio" tab.
  • Select "Mono" from the "Format".
  • Set "6" for "Tracks".
  • Click on "Add".
  • Under "Source Channel", for all the six "Mono" tracks, select appropriate embedded channels.
  • Delete the "5.i" track.
  • Click on "Ok".

At present when y'all drag and drop this clip on to the timeline, 6 new individual tracks volition be added!

Till now we saw how to carve up sound when the clips were in "Media Pool".

The next natural questions is:

How to split audio clips when they are already role of a timeline with all the edits in place?

  • You tin right click on the prune (inside the timeline).
  • Select "Prune Attributes…".
  • Change the format to whatever you want, like "Mono".
  • Nether "Source Channel", select appropriate embedded channel.
  • Click on "Ok".

You'll note 2 things:

  1. "Add together" is disabled – because since information technology is already part of an audio rail in timeline, you can't add new tracks. (This can be only done from "Media Pool").
  2. Inside a stereo track, converting a stereo prune into a "Mono" will leave one channel empty.

Become ahead and convert the rails to "Mono". This is how you change the track type in DaVinci Resolve:

  • Right click on the rails header (in this case A1)
  • Select "Change Track Type to" -> "Mono".
  • Afterward changing the runway to mono, information technology will have only one channel.

How to Split up a Stereo or 5.i or 7.1 Sound into Individual Tracks After Finishing Editing in the Timeline?

Later you've done all your audio editing and now a need arises to split the tracks.

You don't want to go to "Media Pool" and split them and and then again place them in the timeline because it'south very time-consuming.

You can split your audio into separate tracks with the aid of "Convert to Linked Group" and and so unlinking the groups.

This is how you do step by step:

  • Become to the "Fairlight" page and right click on the sound rails header which has your stereo or 5.1 or 7.i prune.
  • Select "Convert to Linked Group".
  • This will split up the channels into their dedicated tracks.
  • All the tracks are linked because when you click on one track header, all the tracks will be selected.
  • To unlink them, go to the menu "Fairlight" -> select "Link Groups".
  • Click on the linked tracks ( a border is highlighted).
  • Click on "Unlink".
  • All the tracks are at present individual!

At that place is another piece of work-around to it.

If yous desire to separate a stereo clip into two mono tracks, and then add 2 empty audio tracks above or below the original one. Re-create the original stereo into the ii empty tracks (Select the clip and "Alt – drag" or "Opt – elevate" to the empty tracks for copying).

Right click the copied rail and select "Clip Attributes" to change the format to "Mono" with i embedded channel. Do the same to the other track and select the other embedded channel.

This way you'll accept ii separate mono tracks with 1 original stereo (y'all can mute the original – to take it every bit a backup).

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