
How To Repair A Zinc Tabletop

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Items made with zinc tin can range from jewelry to tabletops and tubs. In that location are multiple ways to clean these objects finer without having to purchase harsh chemicals. The most mutual and environmentally friendly methods to clean zinc involve using lemon juice, vinegar, toothpaste, or baking soda. Also, consider that using acidic substances, like lemon juice and vinegar, volition remove the patina on your zinc objects, which might not exist desirable depending on the look you are going for.

  1. one

    Utilise an erstwhile rag or material. To clean your zinc objects, use an sometime rag or cloth. You do not want to use a new fabric or one you currently use because it could get ruined. If y'all don't have a used rag or cloth, you can make one by cutting upwards on onetime t-shirt or slice of habiliment.

  2. 2

    Choose a lemon or vinegar to make clean your zinc. If you lot aren't worried almost removing the patina from your zinc objects, employ lemon juice or vinegar to clean your objects. If you choose lemon juice, y'all will need one or two lemons cutting in half.

    • If yous choose to use vinegar, use manifestly, white vinegar.


  3. iii

    Choose toothpaste or a blistering soda paste. If you want to continue the patina intact, use solutions that are less acidic, like toothpaste or baking soda. If you choose to employ toothpaste, any kind of toothpaste, i.e., Arm & Hammer, Colgate, or Aquafresh, will work.

    • If you lot choose to make a blistering soda paste, depending on how large the object is, use a teaspoon (for smaller objects similar jewelry) to a tablespoon (for larger objects similar tabletops or pots) of baking soda. Then gradually mix in water until a paste forms. Gradually mix in the water past alternating mixing with h2o. For example, add a few drops of h2o, mix, and then gradually add more water until a paste forms.
  4. 4

    Use an old toothbrush. When cleaning small or hard to reach areas, use a toothbrush that you can discard. This can be an one-time toothbrush that you practice not use or i that you are willing to replace. After using the toothbrush, instead of throwing it away, store it with your cleaning supplies so you tin can reuse it again.


  1. 1

    Identify the particular on a material or a paper towel. Depending on how large the item is, place it on a paper towel or a used cloth or rag. If the item is pocket-sized, like a slice of jewelry, place information technology on a paper towel. If the item is larger, like a pot, place information technology on a larger textile or rag.[i]

  2. two

    Rub the zinc object with your cleaning amanuensis of option. Moisten a paper towel or material with your cleaning agent of choice. Then, rub your cloth over the entire object. Some areas of the object might exist dirtier than others. Focus on these dirtier areas by rubbing more than of the cleaning agent on them.[ii]

    • If you lot are using a lemon as your cleaning agent, rub the lemon wedge over your zinc object while holding the rind.
  3. 3

    Use a toothbrush to clean minor areas. If there are minor areas on the object, like corners or crevices, utilize a toothbrush dipped in your cleaning solution to clean these areas. The bristles on the toothbrush volition be able to reach the smaller areas.[3]

  4. 4

    Pat dry with a newspaper towel or cloth. Once yous have removed all the dirt and spots from the object, clean the object with a newspaper towel or cloth. Soak a cloth or paper towel in water and rub the surface area. Make sure to rub off all of the cleaning solution. Endeavour not to employ likewise much water. In one case the cleaning solution is removed, pat dry out immediately.


  1. one

    Use a polishing fabric. Employ a specially made fabric for polishing metals such as, zinc, steel, bronze, or silver, to smoothen your zinc objects. These polishing cloths tin can be purchased from your local crafts store like Michaels or Walmart.

    • A polishing material is usually used for smaller zinc objects like jewelry and coins.
  2. 2

    Employ a metal wadding smooth. Your zinc objects that have small areas of corrosion, uneven patination, or fingerprint marks tin exist polished using a metallic wadding polish. Working in a circular motion, rub the object with the wadding polish. After polishing, let the object patinate naturally in air, and avoid handling it.[4]

    • You lot can buy a metallic wadding polish online, at your local hardware store, or at a crafts shop, like Michael'south.
    • Be certain to check the effect of the metal wadding shine on an unobtrusive expanse earlier polishing the whole object.
  3. 3

    Utilise a clean cloth. Use a clean fabric for outdoor objects with a whitish patina. These objects only demand lite cleaning and polishing. Rinse these objects with water, gently rub them with a lite castor, i.e., a toothbrush, and thoroughly dry with a clean cloth.[5]


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  • Clean zinc objects as soon every bit you see any loss of color or tarnish.

  • To add shine to your objects in one case they are make clean, use a specially made polishing cloth.

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Article Summary 10

To clean zinc, run a lemon wedge over it while belongings the rind. Alternatively, put white vinegar on an former material and rub it over the zinc. If you're concerned almost retaining your object'south shine, you can utilise toothpaste, or a paste made from baking soda and h2o, since those substances are less acidic than lemon or vinegar. Whatsoever treatment you cull, make clean the entire object with it, using a toothbrush to achieve any small or intricate areas. Then, when the zinc looks clean, put a piffling water on the textile, wipe off the cleaning amanuensis, and pat your piece dry out. For tips on how to shine your zinc, scroll downwards!

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